Ok so I was going to grab a latte but a kid got my way and was taking forever. Like, slower than a snail in molasses. And I have places to be, you know. I’m not like that little punk kid who was CLEARLY in the wrong walking so slowly across the road. So I said “screw this, I’m done going on other people’s schedules, from now on I control my own destiny”. So I did what any woman as strong and independent as I am would do, I ran that little disgrace over with my sedan. I feel pretty good knowing that I had the courage and bravery to stand up for myself. But unfortunately when I was talking to my coworker Debbie she didn’t seem as impressed as I thought she would be. She called me a “callous sociopath” and said that she was calling the cops on me. Honestly, I think she’s just jealous that I was able to bravely and heroically stand up for myself and take control of my own destiny. Her words sort of bother me though because she isn’t impressed by me which makes it more difficult for me to be the strong, independent woman that I am. Honestly I think I’ll just run over her with my sedan, I don’t have time to deal with negative Nancys like her. AITA?