hepi cayke dae fellow reditor, but seriously, don’t you think commenting on reddit only because it’s your cake day makes you really seem like a karma whoring normie? Man to behonest I’m kind of offended right now, only because I stumbled across some random guy who has the audacity to type a comment under someones post only to show off his cake day. Do you really think that you’re a better person than me only because you have that god damn symbol next to your name? Guess what, You aren’t better than me. In fact, you are not even better then any of us, I am quite certain that you are the lowest scum on earth sir. Now please stop bragging about some stupid number only because you need to leech the karma out of someones original content to survive in that dark cave you call your home! 😎hapy cace dey agan I lov u man!🤪