“Why is your penis out?”

 “I’m surprised you only just noticed, it’s been out every session since you started coming here weekly two years ago, dear. I originally forgot to put it away when you first came barging into my office, but since you didn’t respond at all I thought it’d be our little gimmick. Truth be told, this was the day I thought to tell you of it, hence the aroma. That first day still burns inside my memory, drawing me back every night like a moth to a flame, and I have no regrets. it’s not the exposure that brings such thrill, but your own exposed emotions and naked truths you’ve shared since the time you first came here. i would see you sitting there, palms turned in, knees touching, head up, eyes darting around as you spoke to me of your troubles in life, and how helpless you’d felt so many times. i honestly couldn’t believe what i was doing at first, after the first session anyway. but time and time again when you’d enter through my door i saw more and more life in your eyes, unlike many of my patients who see less with their mind as they should, and you do… no, dear, i’m not here to surprise you. it’s simply the nature of our time together anymore, and though i do feel some guilt for all this time i’ve spent around you in such a vulgar state, i must say that it’s been nothing but pleasurable for me to know now you had no idea, as before i was never too sure. so, i see we have two options here. the first being you surrendering all those happy feelings you’ve been having lately after coming to speak with me for so long, giving up all of those therapeutic moments for what you might think is a bastion of justice and righteous deliverance in the midst of your victimization, or you can let it go. i know i’ve not the highest stance with you anymore as you’d once told me i did, but that’s something we can keep between us. the choice is yours, and as always i leave you to decide what you want to do – just know that my care for my patients is genuine, as it always was for you, and i’m enthralled to see you grow as you do.