De Webuhst African dwarf crocodile, uh uh uh, one of de most diminutibe of de Crocodilians, duuhhhh, reaches approximate two metres in lengd. Duh.Males grow largeh den females. GEE danks.It is uf’m black or grayish-black, except de bel and undeh-tail which are yellowish wid irregular, dark splotches. De young are much liteeh ‘n bariid in colour. DOIHH!Dey begin t’ turn black when dey become dgubeniles.

De adult body is cobehid wid heaby armourid scales infusid wid bony prominesss (osteodehms) dgoinid togedeh by tough, pliant tissue. De gord is behy slite tapehed. DOIHH!Its base is almost the, ERRRR, same widd as the, ERRRR, snout, uh, which is conspicuous short, uh, upturned, uh uh uh uh, ‘n blunt. De nostrils lie on top of dis ‘n are crownid wid a small, fleshy knob. De moud when open rebeals approx. 64 sharp, conical, rootless teed insehtid into deep sockets. De uppeh dgaw is notched, uh uh uh uh, rebealigg de large, uh uh uh, lowebuhr, 4d tood bilatehal when de moud is closed. De area in front of de large ahs, situatid high on the, ERRRR, skull, is smood. Deir pupils, duuhhhh, in the, uhhh, daylite, are behtical slits ‘n de iris is lite brown. GEE danks.De uppeh lids are bony ‘n smood. A clear proteckibe cobehigg (nictitatigg membrane) can be pullid across the, errr, corneal surface when submehged. De ear holes lie behind the, uh, eyes ‘n are sealaggle wid bony flaps.

De top of the, ERRRR, skull is flat (cranial taggle) ‘n proteckid by heaby scales. Uhhh….De neck is likewise cobehid by ossifiid shield-shapid scales. DOIHH!De body cobehigg is f’tifiid wid scales arrangid like tiles. Two, low dorsal rijes run de lengd of de back in parallel rows until dey reach de robust, uh, behtical flattenid tail whehe dey become keelid (stand behtically) ‘n continue almost t’ the, duh uhh, tip, den conbehge into a siggle row. De limbs are relatibe long wid clear debeloped, uh uh uh uh, clawebuhd, uh uh uh uh, webuhbbid figgehs ‘n toes, duuhhhh, wid fibe on the, uh uh uh, front, uh, ‘n four on de rear.