Basing your opinions off movies I see? You know the most people killed in a mass murder was with knives? The firearm, I mean the modern guns that we use today, are only a few decades old. We haven’t developed such an efficient combative system yet

You can learn thousands of years worth of combative knowledge however by studying swordsmanship and knife handling because those weapons have existed as long as man.

I am not against guns, I carry two for intimidation as well as ranged combat (thank goodness I’ve never had to use one), but a silly firearm is nothing to the blade.

My arsenal I think will look something like this.

•D3o sport armor, it’s a polymer where the harder the impact the more firm it gets, allowing unrestricted movement but effective protection

•Kevlar vest, a lightweight bullet resistant material to prevent a shot

•Anti ballistic helmet, a headshot is a guaranteed kill without it

•Dirtbike boots with steel toe inserts, these are highly protective and fairly heavy, I sparred with these on once and fractured a buddies shins by kicking them. A must

•Pepper spray (gel and mist) two separate purposes, equally effective

•Rape alarm, it’s a solid distraction if I threw it in an opposite direction

•Throwing knives, belt buckle knife, ankle knife, necklace knife, stealthy and deadly

•Police taser, non lethal and effective

•Police baton

•Expandable staff

•Smoke grenades

•My trusty glock 24

•My trusty .44 magnum