I felt like i was just in one of those silly elite gamer type music videos lol… Im playing my death knight, right? Blood is the tank spec (unkillable). I was in Unholy which is a dps spec (very squishy). I thought i was in blood spec so i want to solo a world boss like i like to do sometimes (40 man content). So i rush this mother hubber in my dps spec not paying attention. as soon as i attacked this guy i realized i was in deep trouble. all the meanwhile i have a youtube playlist going on in the background playing crazy dubstep shit and im destroying a world boss in a dps spec alone while kiting (running away from the boss while still doing damage) the entire time to stay alive and kill this thing i shouldnt have even pulled by myself. as the songs in the playlist change they get more and more intense. the more and more intense the songs get, the closer i, as well as the boss, get to dying. by the climax of the current song im about dead and the boss is sitting around 3% health. suddenly 3 fucking players show up out of nowhere, fully heal me, and we 4 insta kill the boss. all that was missing were those flashing screen animations with that kid screaming in the background and i coulda made a sick video