If you’re under 30, there is a 100% chance you are going to witness the downfall of western civilization as we know it and you will most likely be killed by the secret police that will enforce the impending global dystopia. And if you somehow manage to survive that, you will be killed in the revolution that follows.

History is already being rewritten. Democracy is already failing. Censorship happens in broad daylight, and people are thanking their overlords for it. Even if by some miracle Trump wins out, after his term is up the globalists will never allow someone like him to ascend again. Even on the slim chance that Trump DOES cross the rubicon, it will only result in nuclear war as the globohomos would rather destroy everything than lose their power. This is because it is the FIRST time in history that those whose power is threatened control nuclear armaments capable of destroying the world, unlike previous tyrants.

The corruption is too deep. It can’t be rooted out. Most of the world is now perfectly fine with one world government and will be complicit in it’s creation. Western civilization has peaked, and now it is time for the inevitable collapse that has happened throughout history so many times before.