When I was in first grade, a girl kept forcing me to squat down so she can finger my butt in the restroom. I didn’t like it, and I kept telling her to stop but she refused. So one day, I had a fever and decided to sneeze on her snack. She then got really sick and don’t show up in school for a week. When she came back, her parents told her that her fingers had an infection when they went to the doctors. I didn’t have anything wrong with me, but apparently this bitch blamed it on me. She mislead the teacher about us and told her that I had an infection even though it was from the slimy dirt she played outside with a cut on her finger. I then thought getting her sick wasn’t enough, so I decided to trip her from the stairs. Once school ended, I was the first to leave and saw her coming by. Nobody was outside yet, so I tripped her and ran away. She bawled with forehead cracked open, bleeding on the ground. Tbh, I did not regret this. This bitch deserved it. The end!!!