Your wife is leaving you, Captain Toad.
You lost custody of your children, Captain Toad.
Captain Toad, what are you doing with that rope.
Captain Toad, get off that chair.
Captain Toad, I didn’t mean get off with the rope around your neck.
Captain Toad, I think I hear Logan paul outside.
Captain Toad, your rope broke.
Captain toad, you look purple.
Captain Toad, wake up.
Captain Toad, you’re such a jokester.
Captain Toad, stop being lazy.
Captain Toad, get off of the dirty floor already.
Captain Toad, there’s an ugly man with blonde hair outside your door.
Captain Toad, he’s got a camera with him.
Captain Toad, he’s laughing at you stop being lazy.
Captain Toad, he’s making fun of you now.
Captain Toad, he’s knocking on the door.
Captain Toad, what if the kids see you being lazy.
Captain Toad, get up or I’ll tickle you and I know you hate being tickled.
Captain Toad, I’m starting to think you’re too lazy.
Captain Toad, I’m tickling you why are you not waking up.
Captain Toad, are you not ticklish anymore.
Captain Toad, why are you so cold.
Captain Toad, do you need a blanket.
Captain Toad, the ugly man is still there at your door.
Captain Toad, maybe he can let you borrow his jacket.
Captain Toad, I’m going to open the door and ask for his jacket to warm you.
Captain Toad, he says you’ll be internet famous.
Captain Toad, he’s talking to the camera.
Captain Toad, maybe he needs help too.
Captain Toad, he says you’re a dead body you should prove him wrong.
Captain Toad, aren’t you going to stand up for yourself.
Captain Toad, he’s calling 911 I think this joke has gone far enough.
Captain Toad, what if you get arrested.
Captain Toad, I hear sirens.
Captain Toad, there are people here now they have weird machines.
Captain Toad, they’ve broken your door.
Captain Toad, they’re asking if you can hear them it’s time to get up.
Captain Toad, they look pretty worried you’d better get up.
Captain Toad, they put you on a rolling bed and rolled you out the door you better get up.
Captain Toad, they want me to come too should i come.
Captain Toad, I’m coming with you now.
Captain Toad, we’re driving very fast.
Captain Toad, we’re going towards a big scary building.
Captain Toad, They rolled you into the big scary building.
Captain Toad, there’s so many scary people here.
Captain Toad, they told me to sit in a chair next to some scary people in this big room.
Captain Toad, you still look cold.
Captain Toad, I’m scared.
Captain Toad, I don’t think you’re okay.
Captain Toad, a scary man is talking to me.
Captain Toad, he says he has bad news.
Captain Toad, what does he mean by ‘passed away’
Captain Toad, did you finally pass your high school science exam
Captain Toad, I’m so proud I’m smiling.
Captain Toad, this was all just a funny misunderstanding wasn’t it.
Captain Toad, the man is telling me that I should tell your wife and kids that you passed away.
Captain Toad, they’ll be sure to take you back after this.
Captain Toad, your wife and kids are already here to take you back.
Captain Toad, I told them the funny story and we’re all laughing.
Captain Toad, why are they saying ‘he’s finally gone’
Captain Toad, they wanna see you
Captain Toad, I let them visit you but you’re still being lazy
Captain Toad, you have a sheet over you is it because you’re cold
Captain Toad, the ugly man is outside the window recording you.
Captain Toad, aren’t we on the 10th floor how’d he get up here
Captain Toad, He fell over
Captain Toad, your kids are crying because the man fell over
Captain Toad, your kids are loud
Captain Toad, what is the logang and why are they screaming and trying to fall over too
Captain Toad, one of them fell over like the ugly man
Captain Toad, they all fell over now.
Captain Toad, they’re all sleeping at the bottom of the building.
Captain Toad, your wife is screaming and wants to fall over too.
Captain Toad, should I help her achieve happiness
Captain Toad, I helped her fall over so she could sleep
Captain Toad, the scary man was watching me and now he’s mad
Captain Toad, he stuck a needle in my arm and now I’m sleepy
Captain Toad, I’m starting to fall asleep.
Captain Toad, I am asleep.
Captain Toad, That scary man is scarier than I thought.
Captain Toad, i woke up and the man said it’s time for a funeral what does he mean
Captain Toad, everyone is wearing scary black clothes.
Captain Toad, you’re here in a big bed.
Captain Toad, I’m jealous can I join you
Captain Toad, your bed is sinking into the ground by a rock.
Captain Toad, people are crying what’s happening.
Captain Toad, why are they putting dirt on you and your bed.
Captain Toad, where did you go
Captain Toad, I get to go home now.
Captain Toad, people are saying ‘you didn’t deserve this’ but they should be proud of you for passing your exam
Captain Toad, It’s been a few weeks why are you still lazy
Captain Toad, why are you so darn lazy
Captain Toad, I’m going to the stone to wake you up.
Captain Toad, there’s some lovely flowers on your rock
Captain Toad, I miss you.
Captain Toad, I’m holding the shovel.
Captain Toad, I’m digging.
Captain Toad, your bed is all dirty now
Captain Toad, I’m gonna take you home
Captain Toad, you’re very cold still.
Captain Toad, someone is yelling at me for waking you
Captain Toad, they’re calling the scary men
Captain Toad, I’m running and getting in my car
Captain Toad, they’re chasing me
Captain Toad, I lost them and I made it home
Captain Toad, have these blankets.
Captain Toad, lets watch a show how about the news
Captain Toad, there’s a picture of you on there
Captain Toad, it shows me running
Captain Toad, we’re famous
Captain Toad, you smell weird.
Captain Toad, go shower now.
Captain Toad, I put you in the tub time to shower.
Captain Toad, you might want to make an effort to clean yourself.
Captain Toad, should I cean you
Captain Toad, I’ll grab the sponge
Captain Toad, your skin is dry you need to moisturize
Captain Toad, your skin is flaky.
Captain Toad, where is your face
Captain Toad, I think it fell off
Captain Toad, it was a cool mask the whole time haha
Captain Toad, don’t be ashamed of your weird face
Captain Toad, can I wear your cool mask
Captain Toad, It’s so warm and cool
Captain Toad, you seem relaxed
Captain Toad, wait I hear some sirens
Captain Toad, hide with me
Captain Toad, what if they take you again
Captain Toad, get under the floorboard while I hide in the attic
Captain Toad, I hear them coming
Captain Toad, be quiet
Captain Toad, SHHHHH
Captain Toad, they found you haven’t they
Captain Toad, are you okay
Captain Toad, they found me help please
Captain Toad, where are you
Captain Toad, I fell from the attic and hit my head I feel tired
Captain Toad, I don’t feel good
Captain Toad, I see you but you look see through did you finally wake up
Captain Toad, you have a cool mask again
Captain Toad, Why am I looking down at myself and why am I see through
Captain Toad, did the scary man eat us
Captain Toad, I tried to hug you but you moved away now you’re walking into the sky
Captain Toad, I’m going in the opposite direction what’s happening

Goodbye Captain Toad.