As Jared stepped across the laid in bread, a mixture of old subway sub bread along with a mixture Burger King hamburger buns, he slowly noticed a change. The bread slowly getting denser with every step, Jared only realizes as it becomes too late to turn back. (Just now realizing as I write this I’m using Jared as a character and subway bread as context, oof) The bread thickens holding Jared’s shoes from moving a step further. He panics, his phone dies, the light, nothing. Silence. He tries to take a step again but just as he does he hears a voice say “lay down in the bread Jared, it’ll set you free Jared.” Scared, Jared tries running, his socks slip him free from his untied shoes. He falls onto the bread, face first. He tries to push-up. The bread however, has added to its list. Jareds screams but bread quickly enters his mouth, gaping his jaw like too many socks would. He feels a wet moist bread, slowly, then quickly fill his throat. He gags for air, but Jared is now apart of the mother.

Camera pans up to the city lights as Jared is never heard from again.

BREAD 🍞 🥖 🥯