I eat ants

So i live in india and its pretty common to have some small bugs and ants in a household and well when i was smaller whenever an ant or few ants would fall into my milk or water or something my parents would just say something like “oh nothing is gonna happen if you consume an ant or two” and “you know eating ants helps to improve your vision” (2nd one because ive had bad vision since childhood and have had to wear glasses since 1st grade)
They basically said this to shut me up because i was a huge pussy when i was a child (honestly still am) when it came to bugs, i have a crippling fear of them. So around a year or two back i watched a movie called alpha which was about cave people and there was this one scene where the mc, his dad and a few other dudes were hunting and some big ass ants crawled on to the ‘dads’ had and he just fucking ate em! And i dont know wtf happened after i saw this scene but whenever i find an ant crawling up me or on my food or on a utensil im using i just ingest it and to explain the ants in this context are around a millimeter in length or maybe even smaller because if i see anything bigger than that i freeze up (because of the crippling fear). So yeah might delete this later idk im very sleepy rn and i just had to get this off my chest.