Thank you Blizzard 🙂
57 levels, no sleep, completely disorganized for the past 2 weeks…
The only thing that i wanted out of the Halloween loot boxes was Witch Mercy.
You guys gave me Junkerstein’s Monster 4 times, Dr. Junkenstein 3 times, Pumpkin Reaper twice, Tombstone Bastion 5 times, Skullyatta twice, Demon hanzo once, Possessed Pharah once and numerous other cool stuff. I guess Witch Mercy was too much to ask after all these.
Maybe i don’t deserve it since i always lookout for the support players in game.
Anyways, thank you for not giving me the opportunity to obtain the only skin i desperately wanted since i don’t have the means to purchase loot boxes 🙂
Thank you for giving my friends what they wanted with or without much effort.
Thank You 🙂