Mom slowly pulls the belt from behind her. The belt just keeps on coming without an end in sight, as mom is pulling out the belt from back in her magician days. Then she finally pulls out the belt only to realise that her son died of old age. She then realises that she turned 140 years old, making her the oldest woman in the world. She wanders around town for 100 more years, when she finally realises she is immortal. She suddenly feels her skin burning. The sun is getting brighter. She can see as her fellow Facebook moms run in fear as they slowly burn to their deaths. The sun is turning redder and redder. This is the end of the world as they know it.

***Some time has passed…***

The mother wakes up from her coma, floating through the vast expanse of the universe. She sees a white blob in the distance. She slowly drifts toward it. She drifts for what seems to be centuries. She can finally see it. The blob is a humanoid, wearing a cheap gown and some sort of crown. The face is not distinguishable. The humanoid extends a wrinkly hand towards the mother. The hand holds a small bright object. The mother has to close her eyes to avoid being blinded by the object. She waits for a minute, then opens her eyes. She then realises what the object is. It is a neutron star. The last thing she sees before passing out is the face of the humanoid.

***It is the queen.***