This may seem like a wierd post coming out of
nowhere and with no relevance to this subreddit but I need to ask someone about this. I have found things adding up to the conclusion that Andrew Tate is the anti Christ.

First of all, Andrew Tate has once said “The great reset begins the day I’m released From jail.” Which he has been released from jail today on 31/03/23 and put on house arrest. And before march 15, I had a very short dream in which I understood that It was being said to me that the anti Christ will come to the earth on march 31.

I heard the words “The anti Christ will come to earth” Then I saw an image of March 31. Ive still remembered that dream from the second I woke up until today… What is the great reset??? What is going to happen??? In the particular day of the dream I was more faithful than usual to God which makes me believe the dream had to be from God.

If you calculate the name Andrew Tate in a gematria calculator, (A gematria calculator converts letters into numbers according to a set system), it comes up with 666 on the Sumerian sipher. Also, the anti Christ was prophesied to have a blind right eye which Andrew Tate does have, Although I understand its partially blind and not completely blind.

Its all adding up and I’m actually terrified. Is this guy the anti Christ? He is deceiving everyone and his fans idolise him so much… I got the information that he was released today from this video which claims to be 99% sure it has its information from reliable sources: =4AmljPA7rsc. It cant be an April fools joke because other sources are talking about it also.

I am completely not prepared to die in my current state, I don’t know how I’m going to be saved… because I feel like this is the end and that theres not much time left…
The only hope I have of this being not true is April fools. What do you think about this because the evidence is too much to ignore. Or am I a complete lunatic?