Bee movie script According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let’s shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? – Barry? – Adam? – Oan you believe this is happening? – I can’t. I’ll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the

stairs. Your father paid good money for those, Becca. Hey! What’s going on here? Hey, wait a minute. Hey! All this! This is blown way out of proportion. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. If a bee just flew in your face and it’s working, it means it never gets too far from the queen which makes you all sisters! Let’s drop this and get with the program. What will the human think of next? What did you want to do? Well, if you’re working it, take down your cousin. The bee is an independent contractor. He makes his own hours. Hang tight. He’s not going to be wearing it forever. You know that. You know that. You know that. You know that. You know that. You know that! You know that! You know that! You know that! What was that? You know that! You know that! You know that! You know that! You know that! You know that! You know that!


Hold on a second. Where are you going? To work. What’s the big deal? Look, we have a job to do here. We have flowers to pollinate and honey to make. That’s our purpose. We are bees. And I don’t want to hear any complaints or excuses. We are a team and we work together. That’s just how it is.

Now, let’s get to work, everyone. We’ve got a lot of flowers to pollinate and a lot of honey to make. Remember, the better we do our job, the happier the queen will be, and the more prosperous our colony will be. So, let’s spread our wings and show the world what we bees can do!


Sure, here’s a continuation with a crazier tone:

Hold on a second. Where the heck are you going, man?! To the land of sugar and honey, baby! What’s the big deal? Look, we have a wild and crazy job to do here. We got flowers to pollinate and honey to make, but let’s not stop there. Let’s add some fun to it. Why settle for just honey, when we can add rainbow sprinkles and unicorn dust to it? That’s right, we’re gonna make the tastiest and most magical honey in the entire bee kingdom!

And I don’t want to hear any boring excuses. We’re not just any ordinary bees. We’re the bees of legend, the ones who do the impossible. So, let’s shake things up a little, shall we? Spread those wings and let’s show the world what we’re made of! We’re gonna buzz our way to the top, one flower at a time! Let’s do this, bees! Yeehaw!