“Okay, so in tech class theres a garage meant for learning about how cars work. Anyways, this class was run by the whitest man I had ever seen, he was so white that his skin was actually red, and when he walked he would do it really slowly, basically a 50 year old loser in life. That’s not the point of the story though, I’m just setting the atmosphere. So the guy somehow gets clients on kijiji to fix their cars in the school’s tech garage which I’m pretty sure was illegal, and one of them has this old ass Toyota from the 80s. Cars from then didn’t have an emergency latch in the trunk, that’s why in mobster movies niggas get locked up in the trunk and get killed. Anyways, there’s a kid who had autism, he was an asian kid who had hair that looked like a plant and really big nasty teeth, and would stutter when he spoke and followed me and my friends around. One day, we were all working in the garage and this kid just disappears. Nearly two hours go by and people realize that the dumbass is gone. Guess where he is? He’s in the trunk. The end.”