Real life snipers don’t get a re-spawn if they get shot. The other members of their sniper team don’t get to message LOL and GG to each other before they re-spawn either. Also, snipers work in teams, they arent lone mavericks running around by themselves. They are part of a team with a very specific job to do within some very specific ROE and other parameters. If you accidentally shot somebody or if the bad guys shot you whilst you were messing about you are dead and you stay dead. Maybe the other guys with you in your team are now dead too. Maybe their families are getting the bad news tomorrow about their son, dad, brother etc because you tried out some stupid thing to impress your friends.

In reality being a sniper takes a lot of training and certainly when I was in the Army was a pretty competitive role to get. Getting on a sniper course was tough and pretty competitive. passing the course was also very competitive but I still found it easy enough.  I’m not saying there aren’t any d-bag snipers around because I am sure there would be but most of the wannabe losers that would try something like this were normally filtered out during the training and courses. Most of the guys I knew were very professional guys that knew their job well and were very careful to get the right results.