Nothing wrong with that. Life is a simulation anyway and we are all being subconsciously influenced day-to-day. Trends are implemented to keep us in line and we all have the need for validation from others. Some people are agents sent in with the mission to monitor us and do what is required to keep “humanity” in line, explaining why some people like Zuckerberg and few others act almost inhuman. Because they are really the agents that have no personality. They are to simply monitor us and report any errors within the system. We are all living a life of lies and I really hope no one takes this post seriously. If an agent screws up their “line” or does something that can prove to be harmful to the integrity of the simulation, they are removed and replaced with another agent. People who develop awareness are either deemed weirdos or insane and become a blight in society’s eyes. Some who develop too much of a sense awareness combined with the means to prove it are taken and put under “special care” to insure their silence. If it’s anymore extreme than that, they become a priority of removal for the agents and disappear, seemingly never existing in the simulation in the first place. Yet, whenever others find this truth, we cling onto our values as a haven from to avoid a crisis, whether it’s our loved ones or religion or even material possessions. We don’t do this on purpose, for it is merely a subconscious urge imprinted onto us from the simulation’s system, using media and trends and “global” problems to give us the idea that our personal values are what truly matters.