I spent weeks pondering about the difference between hot coffee and iced coffee. I decided that if I wanted to find out the difference then I would have to try iced coffee and see what would happen. Since I was (and still am) a novice with this type of thing, I bought whatever sounded good from the local gas station (Dunkin Donuts iced mocha whatever-it-is in a bottle. No, I don’t recommend it to anyone.)

 I remember when I started to drink it, it was very bitter, although I decided if I was really going to put the commandment to the test that I had to go all in so I finished the bottle hoping that it would taste better to me (it never did taste better).

 When I finished my little experiment, I distinctly remember two feelings: the first feeling I had was a loss of the spirit. I felt uncomfortable and empty inside. I had committed a sin and I was being punished for it. As I was pondering why that would happen, my second feeling dawned on me: it doesn’t matter if coffee or tea is bad for you (hot or cold); what matters is God has asked us to stay away from those things.