192 countries on the planet you can move to any one of them you want. So yes you can choose your government. You can even move where there isn’t a established government. So your wrong. Second I have guns, friends and a shit load of capital already. If there isn’t government who’s going to stop me from enslaving you? You with a couple guns Vs me? What in you fantasy are you the only person with a gun? Do you think this is 1v1? Lol. Some people have 0 intelligence. You know who wins when regulations are cut? The people unethical to exploit it. You know who never gets “Dealt” with the people with the money. Slavery is still happening today even in America it just not done out in the open and you somehow think it won’t expand if there wasn’t a strong government to enforce it? You think the NAP will save you? Are you going to hold a piece of paper up and say see it says here you can’t do this? Lmfao fantasy land.

Lol I guess you where born poor and never given a education. Your only way of trying to attack my points is to assume I’m younger then you. Lmfao. This is the difference between a well educated and affluent person and a poor tv watching book hating delusional person. You want a weak government? I’m all for it. With out government control who’s going to stop me from poisoning you water supply and the supply of everyone around me because I have the only working well? You with 1 gun while I have the ability to hire as many people as I need to pacify you? I was born rich. Life isn’t fair. While you do your dumb ass trade and kill your self to make a buck. I own the company. Working for wages your already a slave. You just haven’t figured it out yet. I beat you romanticize yourself as hard working and your trade as honorable when in reality you’re a tool being used by someone with actual intelligence because that’s the highest you could ever climb. Forever a grunt dying slowly from long days and little pay? Are you even unionized? I bet your anti union. Which is great for me because I don’t want to give you healthcare. I would rather you died because there is 10 other you’d just waiting for the spot.

I beat you do pay more then me in taxes. Your paying income taxes I’m paying capital gains taxes and I have a fucking amazing CPA. The bottom always gets the worst cause shit rolls down hill and we know where your at on the hill.

So bottom feeder. When your done thinking that you would somehow be the master of your own destiny. Come back to reality where cash rules everything and with out a government to protect you people like me while take everything you have from you and won’t even have to fire a shot. You’ll be crushed with the capital system we both love so much and then the only person you’ll be using that gun of yours on will be yourself. Actually not much different from now. Your only 1 major accident or sickness from poverty and we all know if a person who all they are is a worker ant can’t work anymore they no longer have any value even to the people they think love them. Hope you picked a good home to be put in when they are done with you or a strong rope.

Btw please don’t kill yourself. I know your existence is terrible and your poor and everything seems to come so easily to people born with more money then you’ll ever have but life is valuable! Right?