I do need gay flags, and charms. Wanna know why? I have a dream! That one day, every gamer in this xbox live lobby will control their OWN cosmetics. A game of the truly EXPRESSIVE, dammit. A community of STYLE, not microtransactions. Where the cosmetics change to suit the player. Not the other way around. Where money and content are back where they belong: In the hands of the players! Where every gamer is free to wear — to express — for themselves! Not money! Fuck all these limp-dick studios and chicken-shit payments. Fuck this 24/7 spew of me entering my credit card for the most basic bullshit. Fuck “microtransations.” Fuck corporate greed! Fuck all of it! Gaming is diseased. Rotten to the core. There’s no saving it — we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new gaming industry will be born. Expensive, but more fair! The greedy will be purged, and the passionate developers will thrive — free to live as they see fit, they will make gaming GREAT AGAIN!

You don’t get it? I’m using microtransations as a business, so I can end micros as a business! In my new industry, people will play and express how they WANT! Not with money, not with loot boxes, not for what’s become normalized! Every player will be free to play their own way!