My name is Alice. I used to work for the Umbrella Corporation. They developed a new virus. But there was an incident. The virus escaped and everybody died.
Trouble was they didn’t stay dead; the T-Virus reanimated their bodies. Myself and a few other survivors managed to escape but we were seized by Umbrella. We thought we had survived the horror but we were wrong.
Umbrella reopened the Hive, but they were unprepared for the undead and other bio-weapons that were being developed down there. Umbrella has called in their troops to quarantine Melbourne to stop the virus from spreading. Umbrella won’t risk the T-Virus spreading and you are the only ones who can stop Umbrella from covering this up. Our lives are in your hands.
Come by Crawford Green at 10:45-11:15 A.M and Academic Quad at 2:45-3:15 P.M. to test your shooting skills cause in the apocalypse every shot counts.