Hey, after this I promise it’s the last message i’ll send you. You can read it or erase it but it’s the last time you’ll hear from me. I think it’s fair you know otherwise I wouldnt care. I honestly loved you more than anyone for some reason. Idk why. But just wanted you to know that you really missed out…..i’m perfect. I’m immune to cancers of all types. I’ve slashed my arm up deep into my veins and lost so much blood… and I didnt even feel it. Not even a head change. The wounds healed in 1 day. I’m buff and you couldn’t imagine how hot I am. I’m 27 and I look 18 without a wrinkle on my face and baby soft skin. My grandma from my moms side was Jewish. My great grandpa from my dads side was a war hero in WW2. He earned like 50 gold medals I’ve seen them. I’m a pro skater and I’ve programmed computers since I was 13. I can play guitar, saxophone, and piano. 7 years of driving and still no accidents. I’m famous with thousands of people, even Blizzard and Anonymous know me personally. I have developers and hackers all across the world as friends. Even the White House and the Chinese government know about me. I get stalked. I know at least 5 ex military vets that want me to join the Air Force. You have zero idea how smart I am. This whole message is the tip of the iceberg. Anyway, I made #6 in world on WoW and made $30,000 just goofing around, Blizzard made a character based off me in Overwatch. Tracer. I got 2000 headshots in that game. So famous that even one of the lead developers made a character based off my character. I took hundreds of X and Molly pills for years and smoked more pot than youd ever know. My mind is so powerful it almost blew up. I can see things electromagnetically. My body is so amazing it’s a drug. I’m 7 inches and i’m amazing in bed. My ex said its tastes like fruit. I’ve been with girls hot like you, three 18 and two 24 all perfect, I can upload pics if you want i’m totally happy. Every girl that sees me flirts with me instantly. Sometimes they chase after me. Working a minimum wage job and finishing college in Boise right now, but i’m gonna work for Blizz and goof around with my life probably. Bye.

~Typed by a friend not OC was originally i believe a creepydms