Is it *too* far to suggest, that perhaps, maybe, just a shot a dark here but…

*Civilization is Killing our Planet?*

I know sounds crazy right? Tilling Metric Tons of Earth into Dust, Making metric tons of steel in factories using power that could never be organically produced, I mean, I reconize that really dose not fit the whole “Star Trek” utopia Everyone is sold on, *Conquering Nature*, Colonizing Space, and having a really cool Empire…

Earths so boring as its without Civilization, all that fresh air and clean water and absence of Human/Animal subjugation and Industrialized Genocides, I mean, who the hell would want to-give up the Citylife! Concrete ovens and A/C and big metal boxes that move us around and turn any smaller creatures that get in its way into a bloody pancake or an endangered species, or just a “pest in the way”.

We surely can’t live with out all that, Civilized stuff, We need WMDs after all! Just think about all those bad guys overseas who speak differently and look slightly different and hate US?!

No, what am I saying here?! We need Civilization, even-if it kills US, its better than we die fighting than let the Enemy,(who ever they are this time) win the war!!

Just look at what happened to the Sumerians or Romans when they didn’t triple down on Civilization!!!

If they had just put more time and energy into Fighting Nature and making more Slaves, Im sure they would still be around today!!!

Even if they fell and their empires were broken up and resurfaced as a more powerful and destructive Civilization that goes around the world in Vessels Subjugating other cultures that didn’t spend all their time perfecting the Art of Genocide, Id still call that a win for Civilization!

By Science people! We have made this far, all it took was some Nuclear Holocaust, and now we all have super computers in our hand! Was it worth it?! Hell yea!!! We ought to keep moving forward-like our civilized ancestors, and we will Conquer Nature! On Science, we will not be like those primitive savages who cant make some sacrifices! So what if a few billions have to suffer to support our Civilized Lifestyles?!

*Give me Computers or Give me Genocide!!*

Even if Billions of Savages must live beneath the tracts of Civilization, its all worth it, if a we, the *Civilized people*, get to live above the tracks!