edit: yeah i see that dagger, that means some hipsters downvoted, but im not worried xD
edit: wait why am i at 0 now? anyone wanna tell me why their being such haters?
edit: **you have absolutely no right to try to ruin my karma with a downvote, thats pretty rude imho 🙁
also rediquette clearly states that you should upvote/downvote based on content (and imo this comment contributes to the discussion more then any other comment here) not based on youre opinion
please give rediquette a read before making an uninformed decision thanks 🙂 https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette**

i often get gilded for my quality comments so please think about that before voting, id also like to be gilded on this post please, thanks in advance, if your on the mobile app unfortunately you cant do it but if you go to https://qs.reddit.com you can see the desktop view and gild my comment, the “give gold” button is directly to the left of the reply button
here are some more instructions: https://www.reddit.com/gilding/

edit: it seems i have some stalkers and haters from other comments, but if you look at this thread im actually at the top of it which means im the best comment here xD