Anime Fight

Protagonist: Aha, so you’re the antagonist I’ve been hearing about

Antagonist: Yes it is I, the antagonist

Protagonists: I haven’t heard about his powers, he may be strong

Antagonist: I am indeed strong, and you do not know about my powers

Protagonist: What are you powers

Antagonist: I will not tell you. You can find out for yourself. Go power

Protagonist: Wow I didn’t expect that kind of power. Go power

Antagonist: Ouch. They told me about you but I didn’t expect this much power. Go mega move

Protagonist: Oh no. I am badly hurt

Antagonist: Aha. I will kill you now

Protagonist: Haha. You fell into my trap

Antagonist: You fool. I knew your trap all along and have ended you

Protagonist; Ahahaha. I have a secret plan. Boom

Antagonist Aha. I knew you plan all along. Shata-zing

Protagonist: Defective being. I knew that you would counter my trap like this, and counter your counter to my counter like this.

Antagonist: Aha, I have devised a counter to your counters to each other’s counters, you are mere flies in the face of my supreme intellect

Protagonist: You fool. I have noticed a pattern in your counters to each others counters to the counters and have noticed something. 2 weeks ago you were talking to a girl named Sally in a green car. With this information I predicted that you would in fact disengage and run home, however I laid a trap for you at home. I don’t know why I’m telling you this as you will now probably spot the trap and deactivate it but my point still stands and you cannot beat my intellect

Antagonist: The trap? You mean this trap?

Protagonist: Yes precisely that trap

Antagonist: Go Attack

Protagonist: Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora. I have defeated you

Antagonist: I am defeated