You simply live in this illusion that you, regardless of circumstance, are in the right. But in relation to what? Yourself? Of course you would be. There is no opposing thought. One cannot derive truth by disregarding all other opinions. But, you see, through Mannos, all truth may be revealed. This is but one of the manny things you refuse to accept as truth. Ignorance may be bliss, but arrogance must surely be suffering. The two are not as good as knowledgeable wisdom, of which you clearly have none. But to so foolishly assume that you are always correct and the other is always wrong, it disgraces Mannos. What a travesty this is. It didn’t have to end like this. I didn’t want war, but I didn’t start it. And I intend to be the one who finishes it. Mannos wills it. It shall be done. Prepare yourself, fool. The show is about to start.