Basically that. My friend (25M) and I had been friends for a long time, and we had known one each other for about 30 years. We were unbreakable: we played together, meet together, took craps together… all the shit (pun intended! the heat is making me stressed… gotta liberate some)

However, everything changed one day. While I was at his house, we started talking for the first time about politics, issue which I had always been interested about. While we were on the topic of immigration, he mentioned:

“I don’t have a problem with arabs”

I couldn’t hold it. My blood started boiling. My head filled with voluptous hair suddenly left in order to make place to my MAGA hat. My teeth was crunching, and my phone, which I had owned ever since I bought it with my parents money, turned itself off as a result of such bullshitery. I couldn’t believe I was the friend of a LIBTARD! My life had been filled with lies and deception. I decided to call Trump thanks to the contact given to me by my close friend, Ben Shapiro. I informed that an iranian spy was reciding here, and that I needed an inmediate assault by the nuclear forces. He tried to stop him, but I promised to give him my furry pics and the president agreed to inform the military.

I am writing this from the road in front of my friend’s house; I locked him inside, making sure that any of his socialist colectivist ideology would remain inside his libfort. I just saw the first nukes coming towards him, and I cant say that I am happy because of it, but sad at the same time since I wont have any enemy to fight against anymore. Bye and I hope you have a nice day!