An investigation into the existence of the tooth fairy.

The tooth fairy is widely known to be real. The tooth fairy is a being with magical wings that leaves money under a person’s pillow in the middle of the night when a dropped tooth is placed under said pillow. However, there have been some who dispute the existence of the tooth fairy. Some claim that they left a tooth under their pillow and there was no money. Others claim that it is the parents who put money under their pillow and the tooth fairy is a fabrication by parents so they could keep the teeth and show it to friends on Facebook. To put this debate to rest, I have designed an experiment to prove whether or not Mummy and Papa are posing as the tooth fairy.

Aim: To discover whether or not Mummy and Papa are making up the tooth fairy

Hypothesis: Mummy and Papa are not lying and the tooth fairy is real

-Mummy and Papa

1. Remove tooth from skull, preferably not violently
2. Put it under the pillow without Mummy and Papps knowing
3. Wake up the next day, record results
4. If you still have the tooth repeat steps 2 & 3 but tell Mummy and Papa that I have lost a tooth


Did not tell | Did tell
:- | :-
Tooth still there?| Yes| No
Any money?|No| Yes

The results show that when I did not tell Mummy and Papa that I had lost a tooth, the next morning there wasn’t any money under the pillow and the tooth was still there. The following night when I did tell them I had lost a tooth, the next morning the tooth was gone and under the pillow was $20. If the tooth fairy was real, then without telling my parents, I would have still gotten the money and the tooth would be gone, but exactly the opposite happened. Therefore the tooth fairy does not exist and it is Mummy and Papa who put money under my pillow. This is a betrayal of unbelievable proportions. My disappointment is unmeasurable and my day is ruined.

From the results, it is undeniably clear that the tooth fairy is not real. It is also obvious that Mummy and Papa are liars, so they must go into the naughty corner.