Ok so yesterday, my (43F) eldest child (13M) started shouting, “AMOGUS!” while fidgeting around with his phone out of nowhere. Of course I was curious and asked him what he was doing. He said that there was a new game that he was playing known as Among Us, and that it was really fun. He then showed me his phone and I saw one of the most terrifying imagery that I had ever seen, a bean shaped astronaut STABBING another astronaut to death as a horrifying piece played in the background. I immediately confiscated his phone and grounded him. I then started researching this “Among Us” game right afterwards, and I found some SHOCKING information. I found that Among Us was founded by a North Korean organization known as “InnerSloth”, which purpose was to brainwash children into these servants known as “crewmates” which then had to find an “imposter” so they could then torture him and send him off to space as a way of gaining power from Satan. Truly disgusting I know, but not as disgusting as what my child would say to me today. I remember him looking at me timidly as he whispered out those damn words, “Mom, I think I might be gay”. I remember screaming at the disbelief of what Among Us had done to my child, so I took out my knife and stabbed him in a similar manner one of the imposters had done and killed him. So reddit, AITA?