A boy gets adopted by a rich family, but he hates them for some reason. So, he takes a weird vampire mask, rejects his humanity, and turns himself into a vampire to try to kill his father and brother. He actually kills his father but then wasn’t able to kill his brother because he fled. His brother named Jonathan learns a technique called Hamon that helps him harvest the power of the sun to kill vampires. And one day Jonathan’s brother, Dio, appears, and his goons try to kill Jonathan, but they weren’t able to do that but they instead killed Jonathan’s teacher. So, Jonathan gets so mad and follows Dio into the tower he fled to where Dio killed one of Jonathan’s allies. Jonathan then proceeds to cut Dio’s head off. They think that they killed him, but little they know that Dio’s vampiric nature made him survive that. Later, Jonathan and his wife Irina go on a voyage together where they find Dio’s severed head. Suddenly Dio releases zombies who terrorize the voyage. Then the ship starts to explode and Dio tries his best to take over Jonathan’s body. but Jonathan just hugs Dio and shows him that whatever disputes they have between them they’re still brothers. Dio stops for a second and cries he has retrieved a small part of his humanity. In the end, Erina, Jonathan’s wife, hops in the chest which Dio’s severed head was kept in, and the ship explodes. The end