(Laughs manically)

What if told you… that wasn’t very funny, what if I informed you… that I didn’t find that very funny. What if I also informed you that you now had 12 hours left to live before me and my squad get the frag on your noob a$$? You’d probably laugh it off, you probably don’t know who exactly the hell I am… I’m a motherfucking savage. I’m a black belt in underwater combat, I dropped the nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, between 1992 and 2001 I smuggled over 5,000 pounds of cocaine into the United States, I once took out the leader of Al Qaeda and 6 Palestinian children on the same night, we never withdrew from Afghanistan they just left me to handle business. To put it short, I’m not to be messed with, and I didn’t appreciate your little ‘joke,’ delete your comment… or face my demons…