The whole world has gone ***insane***!

Really though. You go to your nearest supermarket and you can already see two old ladies fighting over water. Sometimes, they get super intense. Of course the authorities always stop this violence but, who knows, that might be one of us someday.

The other day, this old man decided to threaten, every, single, customer, at Walmart. Are you kidding me?!? Sorry, did you just ask why? Oh right. He said it was because there were some customers not wearing mask. Haha, what?… I should’ve tapped one of the employee’s shoulder and ask, “Uhm, where’s the nearest insane asylum?” But, then I thought about it and just forgot about the idea. Oh, here’s another shopping covid-19 story. I saw my crazy cat lover of a neighbor and there she was. With her good ol’ cane. She looks normal from the outside but the minute she saw the sanitizer bottle, ooooo she walked faster than I’ve ever seen a 67 year old woman walk before. She looked like she could’ve beat Usain Bolt in a race. After seeing that, I pretended I didn’t know her. Welp, that’s all I’ve seen and heard so far. Just a piece of advice to all of you reading this:

*”The minute you go outside of your house, you’re a soldier on a battlefield.”*

Don’t go bringing your guns to your local market!! Stay safe and take care!