Me and the boys at 2am looking for beans

Me and the boys at 3am eating the beans

Me and the boys at 4am pooping the beans

Me and the boys at 5am going to sleep

Me and the boys at 6am waking up because of a nightmare

Me and the boys at 7am going back to sleep

Me and the boys at 8am getting ready for work

Me and the boys at 9am driving to work

Me and the boys at 10am showing up at work

Me and the boys at 11am working at our boring office job

Me and the boys at 12pm regretting not going to college

Me and the boys at 1pm going on brake

Me and the boys at 2pm eating lunch

Me and the boys at 3pm starting work again

Me and the boys at 4pm slaking off and looking at memes during work

Me and the boys at 5pm getting off work

Me and the boys at 6pm going online

Me and the boys at 7pm eating dinner

Me and the boys at 8pm watching tv

Me and the boys at 9pm thinking about my future

Me and the boys at 10pm getting ready for bed

Me and the boys at 11pm going to sleep

Me and the boys at 12pm sleeping

Me and the boys at 1am waking up

Me and the boys at 2am looking for beans