On a related note, I’m really just getting sick of f-king idiots trying and failing to challenge me intellectually. You have a subzero chance of ever besting me in a battle of wits, you’re doomed before you even try, so… why even try? It’s literally just an embarrassing self-own for you, every time. Many a man has tried to outsmart me on this site and elsewhere; every singe one of them just ended up with massive amounts of egg on their face. I cringe for them all. At a certain point you’d think people would just accept that they have absolutely no chanceof successfully challenging me over anything, yet they smugly keep trying and failing anyway. I can’t say I understand why people insist on repeatedly making themselves look like total fools in front of the entire world, but by all means keep it up and I’ll just keep swatting you down like the flies you are. I’m being benevolent, I think, by trying to warn you against your own stupidity. But you know, stupid is as stupid does, I guess.