You are being initiated into a new way of life, a new way of doing things, a new world order, less freedom, more control, less consumption, more oppression.
It’s under the guise of “saving the planet” from carbon emissions, meaning billions of “carbon units” (humans) need to be depopulated.
It’s going to be like an anaconda’s grip on your life. Everything you do will require permission and most things you will simply not have access to unless you’re an elite billionaire or trillionaire.
You will be herded into a digital prison called smart city, and every movement, action, interaction, transaction, thought, will be closely monitored, judged & assigned a positive or negative score.
The old world is gone forever. The future of your dreams will only ever be a dream, and reality will be a nightmare. The future you were working for your entire life has been meticulously crushed by the collective going along to get along.
People really are walking dead. It’s called a zombie apocalypse for a reason. People are just treading water in total apathy until they meet their maker. None of this has to do with a virus. A virus & an injection is their way of bring this new world into being.
To not know this is doom & gloom because you have little chance of weathering the storm. To know it is confronting at first, but empowering if you let it empower you. Be aware, don’t be consumed.