PC is about choice. I want to game with a fucking low input lag? There we go, downscalare res, lower details and get over 200FPS. And in competitive games well, that’s important. I want fucking high graphic? There we go crank everything at ultra and let’s play a 30fps for that “cinematic experience”. Not in my case, never under 45fps. But you got that option. I want to use a driving wheel? A gamepad? A fucking real world guitar? A midi controller? A track ball? PC let you choose. Some can be not worth to use some others yes. Mechanical keyboards? Oh there we go again “you fucking need a very expensive keyboard to play decently.” Nope. That just a completely different experience and is more useful if you are typing a lot. For gaming advantages in mech keyboards are not so much. Unless you go in some games. We also have PC gamepad, but again, we got the choice. I can also use a PS4 controller if I want. Cuz I can. Not gonna answer over the “PC gaming is dying” part. I game since I was 6, I’m 20, I always heared that. We are still here. With a lot more games than Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo and whatever console. We can also emulate them. PC games dying? Not gonna happen, not anymore soon.

Source https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/6x42rg/comment/dmdc96f