after hearing your incredible thought process, I can confirm that you belong in crystal league LFG no bongcloud šŸ™ i donā€™t think so I havenā€™t played in forever and Iā€™m still in bronze yeah watch him take it do you like playing over the board or online better? LMAO WHAT LMFAOOOOO THIS GUY IS ACTUALLY DOING NO PIECES NOVEMBER imagine brillliant move it almost deprives you of the ability to cast I didnā€™t even see that you have a check SO DO IT interesting castle yeah BUT ITS A CHECK how could it not be productive? A TACTICAL PAWN SACRIFICE (elnu is grandmaster confirmed) yourā€™e hanging your bishop oh LMAO its mate in two mate in 1 LMAO why are all these people so bad at Cess OH you fell down to 996 elnu: ā€œi was tiredā€ queens: awh hell nah oh interesting cringe castle ! oh yeah he shouldā€™ve played the gigachad Bxf2!! thatā€™s what he shouldā€™ve done watch him miss mate lmao welp heā€™s drago trade then advance pawn ig omg danger levels the concept i learned from youtuber gothamchess yeah gothamchess is funny and also total gigachad yeah a tight spot for our favorite chess player ElnuDev will he escape? no youā€™re down 2 and no clear advantage pawn is hanging btw the c6 his was hanging sad wtf ā€œqueen tradeā€ queen tray gave it to him on a silver platter it actually makes sense lmao heā€™s like oh shit it must be a brilliant sometimes brilliant moves are so dumb takes king BRILLIANT MOVE pawn mountains lmao what is he doing watch him take threaten mate in one yee pawn is lost wtf he hates pawns oh yeah if he takes with queen tho oof wtf is this elnu tired mode oh wtf WTF LMAO WHAT HS DOING LMAO LMAO elnu found a way LFG imagine the accuracies aight youā€™re toast well you just got destroyed unfortunate yeah its the main line NO heā€™ll check you elnu soprano welp hm I donā€™t think so because moving the knight out is like a natural thing idk ig you have to be careful in the italian game no its fine huh OH QUEEN CAPTURE covers the fork wait what oh I was dumb nvm knight to h file is best kick out the bishop knight a5 Iā€™m dying blundered his queen lmao so you wouldā€™ve won!~ interesting no its actually a fine line he has two choices, trade it off or bishop check I watched a us chess championship video where someone played this he played the bishop check line and lost because of the kick pawn is better i think? taking with pawn not knight wtf because of the development probably uh maybe at the bishop check part what if you donā€™t do a bunch of trades after the check its actually all book moves up to that point i think yeah pretty cool iā€™m gonna go listen to some muzak and do some calc after this probs rut roh attack his queen with knight yeah knight b5? no no no NOOOOO other one not d5 to threaten the fork well this works too I wrote b5 wayward queen is so braindead omg evidently heā€™s hellbent on losing to you again take the rook you donā€™t lose it NO he forks you want to fork? lets fork his queen is pinned lmao rip bozo sacrifice rook yeahhh most beautiful 1 great 0 brilliant šŸ™ nope Bf4 was great move 11 because apparently losing your queen is the best move for black there yes it says that it wins a queen ā€¦ yeah dude sometimes the game reviews are weird it says that black takes the knight lmao with his bishop and just hangs his queen no with his bishop like wtf 11ā€¦ xd5 12. xd6 xf3 13. xf3 cxd6 ā€œbest movesā€ and then bishop x queen and then pawn takes oh yeah not pawn iā€™m dumb and then queen takes and this is apparently better for black because you won his queen yeah and it says him moving queen backwards is an inaccuracy right