well i dont blame her it’s actually is a damn good console cause one day i was playing wario world and then out of nowhere blue toad showed up and was like “that mother fucker wario quick i must get him and kill him and he tried to break my tv and i told him no dont do that its my tv dog and he was like oh ok oh wait was that gamecube 149.99 DAMN NIGGA FOR THE YEAR 2002 THATS CHEAP AS FUCK MANY SYSTEMS NOW A DAYS ARE 299.99 i blame obama oh well anyway wait this isnt a sfm video OH SHIT THE SFM LORDS ARE TAKING ME AWAY AAAAAUAIUIUGHDFOGHODFHGOGOIHGOISHGOISFDKMXLAZ,JIHUYGFDX….. Hah just kidding fuckers it was just blue toad again. Holy shit are you actually reading thus copypasta damn son what the hell well there is not much here except me talking about the game anyway remember when the gamecube was not a retro system yeah i remember you know whenever i go on the gamestop website and i find out that the gamecube and gameboy advance are part of the retro section it makes me feel old why… well i remember in 2nd grade everybody loved the gamecube i mean yeah wario world is a kick ass game