make a good relationship with the high school bully and become close to him. Joke about how he used to bully you in high school, make him feel bad about it, and by playing the victim card, make him apologize to you whenever you go on a trip or meet up for a gathering. Get even closer to him-so close that he thinks of you more than his real, blood-related brother. Get close to his family and slowly become a member of it. Start referring to his father as “dad,” his mother as “mom,” his sister as “sis,” and his brother as “brother.” spend weeks at his home. Eat, sleep, and have fun with his family. Help him get the girl he wants; fund them for their solo European trips. Grow old with him. When he becomes old and has to take care of his grandchildren, kidnap him. Start torturing him with your own hand, no gloves. Don’t hurt his eyes, ear, or mouth. Apply every executioner method that you gather in your life, but keep the medical team on standby so that he doesn’t die. After he goes through months of pain from torturing and different surgeries, he stops asking to end his life 2-3 months before.

Then start to break his mentality. telling him that he lived a false life, full of lies. Tell him that his parents don’t die of natural causes; his father’s kidney failure was caused because you keep adding a tiny amount of mercury to his drink whenever you meet him. His mother didn’t die in sleep, she died of a heart attack caused by cyanide poisoning. His brother became a drug addict because you kept giving him money, and when you stopped giving him money, he started stealing and ended up in jail, where he died of depression. His sister, whose marriage didn’t last because she wanted you because you guys were having fun in college, ended up killing herself after becoming an alcoholic. Your wife didn’t love you for even a second. She was originally your girlfriend, she was with you for your money. Tell him, His friends, who are in the next room coordinating the broadcast of his torture, should wave their hands toward him. He didn’t have any kids; all the kids are yours; you actually never broke up with her, and all the kids know that from their teenage years and consider you their real father. After this, call his wife in the room and make her torture him with inhuman objects. Make sure that when he closes his eyes, the last thing he will see is you kissing her wife.