Look whos trotting out their new big kid words. Now just because auto correct helped you spell something you heard while dicking off in biology class, doesn’t give you the right to come up in here with these limp dick accusations. A bat has more in common with the underside of my nut sack than it does with one of those feathered car shitters. Does a bat lay eggs, cheep, have terrible dehydrated scaly skin, a big dumb beak, hang in a shit ass nest all day? No. You just think they look like birds because they have wings. Well here’s a surprise, you’re wrong again, those are just big ass hands that unfortunately still aren’t large enough to slap the stupid out of you. If you look at a bird skeleton you’ll notice they’re in a forever shitting position, thats because they have no control over their asshole and let loose whenever, like you did with this shitpost. So really you’re a lot more ornithoidic bats are, you make Dee Reynolds look like a human in comparison. FYI, Aligators aren’t doglike just because they have four legs, a tail, and bite, but I still encourage you to go pet one. Anyways, thanks for wasting my life.