To those people 🧔👱🏽‍♀️👥making anti🚫🚫🚫-furry🐶🦊 comments, you know 🧠🤔who you are.😡😾😾 I’ve been part of the furry 🦁🐺🐵🐷community 🌍🌍for probably 🤔10 🔟🔟🔟🔟🔟years, longer than most people👥👥 have even been on the internet🌐🌐😱. I developed 🏗🏗my fursona ❤🐯❤over that time ⏰period and spent probably $10k 💵💵💵💵💵💲💲💲on all 💯💯the materials and 218 hours⏳⏳, so $28k total😱😱. I’ve been to 78 different furry 🦊🐵🐺conventions, two of which were invite📝📝📝📝 only, and I’ve been a speaker📣📣📣 at 3 of them. If I quit 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️my job 🏦and became a full-time furry 🦓🐷🐮🦊🐩instead I would easily be a pillar 🏛🏛of the community🌎 within months📆📆📆, probably the most famous 👑⭐⭐furry of all time 😮🕛by the time I retired😴😴. This is literally my life bro❗❗❗❗, I don’t❌🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️ appreciate people denying my existence 😾😾😾like that.💯💯