A spoon that was present in King Bach’s ice cream vine, where he had asked if he could have some of his friends ice cream. When King Bach’s friend was presented this question, he said that King Bach could only consume one spoonful of the ice cream. (Context: The friend bought the ice cream and did not want to share all of the sweet frozen treat, a logical decision to make). When King Bach was given the yes to have only a spoonful of his friend’s ice cream, he pulled out a comically large stainless steel spoon. With a smirk on his face, he opened the door to the freezer where the ice cream was stored, and would then consume a spoonful of the ice cream. Since the spoon was so comically large, King Bach would be able to consume all of the ice cream, while only having a spoonful.

“Can I get some ice cream?”

“Only a spoonful.”

*King Bach pulls out a Comically Large Spoon*