fuck reddit

Edit: You know what, let’s just do this. Let’s just make it a permaban. (Currently it’s just 60 days.)
I’m perfectly happy to make my last stand here calling out pro-fascist argument for the trash that it is.
Rationalists are so stupid. They are the dumbest slaves that our society has ever produced. The way it’s done is pretty cunning: your IQ is your slave collar.
It starts in elementary school and by the time you leave college you’ve gotten it writ that you’re special; it’s written in your mind so deep you don’t even remember it most of the time.
It’s marshmallow smarts that make you stupid: you do what you’re told because you get two marshmallows. Practice in being pliable.
So it’s no wonder that slavishly authoritarian doltishness runs rampant in these threads. You don’t know how to be free thinkers because all of your life has been thinking in a controlled environment.
I’ve never really let loose on how stupid HBD is, either, because it rests on this basic principle of rationalist identity, that IQ is the measure of a person because IQ is the measure of how well society can tell you what to do.
Let’s get down to it, though, is it any wonder that a culture of people once enslaved by another people whose collective authority said that slavery was OK has an ingrained deep skepticism of collective authority?
That’s what IQ is: collective social proof of how smart you are. It’s literally relying on other people for your self-image.
Black people who score lower on IQ tests are displaying higher intelligence than most of you because they know better than anyone not to trust authority. That’s the sick truth of your IQ fetishization, is that there are people smarter than to get sucked into that, and that has to burn you.
On the subject of HBD, though, I’ve been thinking a lot recently of the inherent inferiority of the white race. See, I’m not white, I’m a mutt of a number of different ethnicities. The people who are white are generally inferior by virtue of their clinging to whiteness over any of the options in their family’s past.
Whiteness is inferior because it elects a degenerate man who has never known sexual morality or discipline and tries to pass it off as presidential. Whiteness is inferior because it sees journalism that reflects badly on white people and assumes that it must be fake; its pathetic and weak attempts to imitate journalism end up backfiring and making whiteness look even more idiotic.
Whiteness has no masculine virtue. White people can’t dance.
What does it mean to not be able to dance? It means an inherent inability to move freely, quite possibly because of some Authority looking over your shoulder judging you. If you can’t dance, maybe it’s because you’re an authoritarian. No one gave you permission to dance, and you only eat marshmallows when you have permission.
So how does this stupidity work itself out in practice? Well, I think for me Peak SSC happened a few months ago. Let me tell you a joke. It’s not a very funny joke.
A time-traveling rationalist goes back to 5 years before the Holocaust, and he finds the people that knew Hitler was a monster, and he offers them a bet.
“If you really think this is serious, I’ll bet you $10,000 there will not be death camps in the next 5 years.”
Unsurprisingly, none of the Germans that went on to save Jews took his bet. Nor did those who ended up in the French Resistance. Churchill was busy.
Our time-traveling rationalist concludes that their concerns are fake and performative.
Rimshot. Fade to black.
This was a real thing that JTarrou did, I forget how long ago. I’ve had the joke written out but haven’t shared it because it crosses a line of personal attacks. But true and necessary, right?
Intellect doesn’t actually make people smarter, it just means they’re better at articulating complex stupidities.
This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever read here. You are a fucking idiot, JTarrou. I say the following with a mix of sarcasm and sincerity: congratulations, you might as well hang up your keyboard now because you will never write anything as gloriously, miraculously profound in its blithe self-assured inanity.
You can’t possibly think anyone who saw what was happening 5 years before the Holocaust would think “NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME TO WIN MONEY BETTING ON ATROCITIES.” I know you don’t exactly mean poorly, you’re just preoccupied with being right more than being, I dunno, useful or coherent.
So yeah, you gamblers, you need a way to keep score, so you construct a system for keeping score, and boo hoo, only other losers are interested.
Here are the facts: the mechanisms that watch for fascism are in full alert right now, and I’m not afraid of Trump so much as of what comes after Trump. Neutrality is a fun place for stupid intellectuals to stay in, stupid intellectuals comprising the majority of this community. Neutrality is safe and cozy. It’s also useless.
And then there’s the actual fascists, whose numbers are rising.
So I formally cede control of this forum to the alt-right entryists like TrannyPornO. It took me longer than I’d like to admit to realize that his calls of entryism were precisely those of the entryist, that any introspection of this forum’s makeup would conclude that leftists must be in the subordinate rhetorical position, asking for permission at all times.
I ain’t gonna be around to put thumbs in the eyes of those who wish to see this place devolve into a rightist circlejerk. You think ScottAlexander’s going to put a stop to it? He’s a freakin coward if you ask me, he got one little taste of the bright spotlight and now just sits in nuanced neutrality or silence.
I have much better things to do than try to salvage your community.
Maybe I’ll kick around zontargs joint for a bit if you want to say goodbye. I’ve had a lot of fun here, and it’s been frustrating but also valuable, because here’s the secret:
I got a close-up look at you fuckers. I stared in the eye of what the right really thinks, and I took notes. Next time we meet the ground won’t be so favorable to fascism and I will crush you without reservation.
Seeya ’round the bend.