I hate white people, not because I think they’re privileged, but because the majority of SJW westerners who hate white people are other white people. If I had to take a shot in the dark on the demographics of twitter SJWs I’d say it’s about 60% middle-to-upper-class white women with useless degrees who are in their late 20’s to early 30’s, 20% white males who think they can get some pussy if they simp hard enough for the ideology, 10% LGBT zoomers who want to acclaim victim status for attention, and 10% black women who have nothing better to do than bitch all day and daydream about their African ancestry even though they’ve never set foot outside of the US/UK and African culture has never been a part of their lives.

And my hate for white people who hate white people is in and of itself paradoxical because I myself am white. It’s white hate all the way down, lads.