God is false: Alright I think god was made up to make people act less savagely, like how adultery and murder are a sin, if there really was a god, why would he let them happen in the first place? Seems kinda like a dick move to be all powerful and not speak directly to anyone other than the niggas who get rich off of speaking to him, and even then, it’s insanely common for preachers to be sinners. Also if a god exists why the fuck haven’t I ever heard from him? I used to earnestly pray to God in hopes of a response as confirmation that he was real but no answer

 God is true: Ok god in my belief and it’s logical in my opinion but so is your statement too, god created evil as a test and it doesn’t disregard his existence, like when there’s a normal exam theres going to be wrong answers and there’s going to be people who do bad in it. However the difference is one does matter and the other doesn’t, when we are tested by god we are held to account for every single action and every single evil we have ever done. So the rapist or murder won’t go unpunished. And how does it make sense to say oh well this killing happens because a god that’s a stupid conclusion for anyone to come up with without any external knowledge. It would make much more sense for them to just say that bad things happen because people do bad things, that’s true and easy to wrap your head around but saying oh well this god created us and he is going to make our lives a living hell for no reason doesn’t, plus if atheism was true the living people would have just came with an atheistic world view anyways, an idea of a being that created everything is pretty abstract if you think about it. And the issue you had with god never taking to you directly or never giving you signs as it says in the holy Qur’an look around you and the signs will be clear. Why should god have to prove himself to you, when he made this life as a test to see what we do in it