One of my happiest memories happend on the toilet at my wife’s workplace.
My wife (then girlfriend) used to work in a relatively small office when we started dating. She worked in an office whose purpose was to handle complaints about parking tickets in the city. It wasn’t very big. It was probably around 15 employes there. She had worked there for almost a year when we started dating.

One time we were supposed to go to a movie, and then a bar just the two of us. I drove to her office, as I was to pick her up after work. When I arrived, I made my way into her office and greeted my beautiful girlfriend and her coworkers. Most of the guys looked kind of pale and nerdy, but her female coworkers were almost all very beautiful, however two, could you file under the category as hambeasts. Sadly, my girlfriend informed me that they still had much left to do and it would take around 15-20 minutes to wrap up for the day. I was a bit disappointed, but not worried as we still had lots of time before the movie started. She suggested I should wait in the breakroom until she was finished. I did, and sat around for 3-4 minutes just fucking around with my phone when I noticed I kinda needed to pee. I made my way to the guys bathroom only to discover that the door was locked. I resigned myself to just hold it in, when I noticed that the door to the woman’s toilet was slightly ajar.
The thought of sitting in the breakroom and having to pee for another 15 minutes seemed suddenly very unpleasant, but I could not use the girl’s bathroom, or could I? A man using a girl’s bathroom is simply wrong, it’s unnatural, it’s like if the sun should set in the east, or pineapple on a pizza. I stood and debated this with myself for probably close to a minute. It was a fierce debate, not heard since the day of the late Roman republic. It was like ambitious young Ceasar wanted to pee now. While noble Cato argued for waiting until we were at the movie theater. Eventually Ceasar and his desire for immediate release won out, and I walked into the women’s bathroom.


I asked. Only silence answered me. An eerie feeling of dread and a mysterious feeling came over me. I was in the women’s toilet. I probably hadn’t been in the girl’s bathroom since 7th grade, and then only as a dare between my friends. Women and men’s bathroom are very similar, but with some slight changes. Men’s toilet are as usal dank, dark and smells like old urine. A woman’s toilet tends to be brighter and have a more refreshing smell, maybe some flowery soap? The trained eye will also notice the absence of urinals. I felt like Christopher Columbus standing in a new and strange land, never before seen by civilization.
Eventually my imagination started to spin.

Maybe this was the place Hilary Clinton and her evil prodigy Amy Schumer planed how they could ruin Star Wars and Ghostbusters for men forever. I could feel anger spreading through my body. My bladder was now, not only filled with Mountain Dew, but also with autistic rage!!! I would have my revenge. I developed a plan where I would pee in the toilet in all the four cubicles and then leave the toilet seat up. That would show them!!!

As I swung the door open to the first cubicle, I was met with a sight and stopped dead in my tracks. Within two seconds I already knew my life would never be the same.

As I looked into the empty cubicle my attention was immediately drawn to the left corner of the small enclosure. There in the corner, I could see a smal trash can, but it wasn’t the trash can itself that got my attention. It was the content. Laying atop all the other garbage, almost as it was placed there by the gods, lay a clearly used tampon. Maybe this was from one of the hambeasts? I knew it could not be my girlfriend’s as she had her period two weeks ago. My rage and desire to pee disappeared immediately, and was replaced with the desire to ‘discipline the ungrateful child’. I stepped into the cubicle and immediately locked the door. With trembling hands, I gently picked up the used tampon and held it in front of my face. I took one big sniff, it’s the best smell I’ve ever encountered, I immediately unzipped my pants and started to feverishly masturbate. As I neared release a wicked idea came to mind, as my heart was pounding in my chest, I reached out with my tongue and gently licked the tampon. I continiued to lick it like a lollipop. This action brought me over the edge and I exploaded like Mount St. Helens over the tile floor. I quickly cleaned up my residue with toilet paper however, I put the tampon in my pocket and quickly made myself scarce. Miraculously, I got out of there without anyone noticing me and made my way back to the waiting room. My girlfriend, emerged maybe 5 minutes later and I had to wait to pee until we arrived at the movie theater. But I had discovered the height of sexual pleasure so I didn’t mind.

To this day, that used tampon occupy the back of my sock drawer and is my second most prized possession after my wedding ring. It changed me and my wife’s life forever, as just the memory of that day make me crazy with lust and desire.