also Ben Shapiro sounds ‘smart’, but really is not. I think he is intelligent yes but also intellectually dishonest.

In any true moderated debate with some one like Christopher Hitchens, Ben Shapiro is literally child play and would get shredded to the point that I would feel bad for him

“Ben’s style is that of a car salesman. He spews out words out of his mouth like diarrhea from the ass at a rate of 100 gallons per minute. The tactic is to berate simple people with an authentic sounding educated man or authoritative tone at such a rate that it sounds like an avalanche of facts and features. In reality, a careful listener of average IQ is going to notice that he is literally just spewing bullshit and often uses punchlines using ad hominems and commits fallacies at an astonishing rate. Like many, he cherry picks just as horribly as any biased apologist but the turbo yap fest from his face usually nets a entire BUSHELS of cherries compared to most. Keeping track of then can be difficult.”

The guy fumbles A LOT on political issues, for example in economics. Or even Health Care. Its awkward to watch him contradict himself in the same breath after a slew of cherry picked stats or false assertions.

Any real debate would easily see a mockery of him. That’s why he tends to avoid challange and instead travels around like a wannabe Jewish Prager U rep. He picked on the weak minded for a reason.