You serious❓❓It’s clear as ☀️day☀️what’s going on. I have two brothers👬in the 🔫military🔫 and this is coming straight from them: Trump 💪strongarmed💪Iran (💩) and they backed 🔽 because of it. I know 🤗Reddit🤗 doesn’t like Trump 🙅‍♂️but this is ridiculous. Iran (💩) had to fire missiles 🔥🚀(and intentionally missed 🚀🚀🚀🚀of them) because leadership👮 had to show something as retaliation. They have absolutely 🙅‍♂️ desire to 🤜hit us back🤛 because they have about 2% the size of a military ground force (💩) than we do not to mention other branches🌳. It’s because Trump struck back so 🏃‍♂️swiftly🏃‍♂️and 😡fiercely😡 that they backed 🔽in the way they did🤗🤗. Trump eliminated an 😈evil 😈evil man, a terrorist that killed hundreds of thousands and it resulted in 0️⃣ZERO0️⃣ us🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 casualties from the official Iran🇮🇷 “response.” (💩💩) This was a massive massive win🏅 in every regard. Please 🛑 being so 😎blind😎, all of you.