If by awesome you mean socially clueless, crude, and often perverted /misogonistic. Or in this case ugly/obese/boring (probably 😩). You know.. Exactly what your expect from your typical redditor. 😶

#0 matches IS NOT NORMAL unless you’re doing something very wrong. 🤯

Like *Even the most hydeeyus people can still get matches* lol. 👹

Delete Facebook, hit the gym, get a lawyer And Then you can get into sending shitty replies that fail to mask your alarming soshal unawareness with cringy crude sex jokes and name puns and all around juvenile nonsense (but you know post you post screens of it aways purely for le karma) ^^and ^^still ^^never ^^actually ^^get ^^laid like the rest of the deneezins of the sub. 👉👌

And don’t worry Even if the ladies don’t like you eventually you’ll be good enough for a hooker to swipe right on 👍 (unless you LOOK poor lol (and yes “poor” auras are easy to spot fyi) )

Edit :thanks for the silver fellow Chad.. Thank gawd *someone* knows what’s up